Wow...I can't believe it has already been 3 months since my little man finally decided to make his appearance!! Here is Jackson's birth story!!
I was due December 3..and he was born December 9..needless to say we were ALL more than ready!!! I had a doctors appt on Wednesday (Dec 8)..obviously past due my Dr. suggested we sweep my membranes to move things along! I was perfectly fine with this because I really didn't want to have to deal with an induction. My appointment was that morning. I met Gregory for lunch afterwards and also went to PetSmart! Then I decided I better pamper myself...and I got a mani/pedi! My toes were bright blue of course!! I was feeling good all noticeable 8:00 pm on the dot the contractions started!! Gregory of course was called to a derailment about an hour away..I knew as soon as he left that I was going to go into labor that night!! My contractions started off 10 minutes Mom was actually on facebook and I was talking to her and telling her I thought I was having contractions!! I decided I had better call Gregory..and good thing I did because within 40 minutes my contractions were already 5 minutes apart!!! Gregory made it home..I finished packing and he grabbed a quick shower and we hit the road!!
Our house is about 25 minutes from the that was a long ride!! I was so ready to be there! We arrived at the hospital at about 10:00 pm. Of course they were slam full that night so I was sent to a sort of triage area where they checked my progress..then told me I had to wait until there was a change..even tho this was my first time..I KNEW I was in labor! I told Gregory I was not leaving that hospital!! lol!!! After about an hour they finally moved me to a L & D room! I had to wait for fluids and my blood work in order to get an epidural..that was a long wait!!
During the middle of a OB/GYN dr walked in (needless to say my eyes were clenched closed..I had NO IDEA!!!) as soon as the contraction was over..there was my dr in my face! lol! All I could do was laugh! He just said "I am thinking you want an epidural!" response..YES!!!
Once my epidural was really was smooth sailing..I could have slept but I was just to excited to sleep! At about 4:30 am I really started pushing! Another funny story from the delivery room....I was SO HOT! I just needed air in my face..well there really wasn't anything to Gregory started fanning me with the bedpan! Now looking back..this was hilarious!!! The Dr was just laughing saying that was a first in the delivery room!!
Finally at 5:39 am Jackson Liam made his appearance into the world! I can't even describe the emotions that went through me! I was just so happy!!! I cried and I even think Gregory got a little teary! He is the most precious little boy and I am so thankful to have him!
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